Is the Only Street in Scamville the “Hard Way?” Part 2

Posted on: February 26, 2019

Oh, those scammers! Just when we think we’re on to them, they come up with an even more sophisticated ruse. In the last article, we listed seven situations that would seem pretty normal. (Review them here if you missed it.) Now, we’re going to reveal what actually could have happened.

What went wrong:

The email from your boss asking you to send the HR files to a consultant wasn’t actually from your boss. When you accepted the network request from the forensic accountant, who isn’t a forensic accountant, they got access to the LinkedIn profiles of all of the staff at your company. They learned that you had just gotten a promotion and who your boss was. They also knew your boss was going on vacation, because she posted a picture on her Facebook page from the airport, on her way to the Maldives. Soooo, someone now has a whole lot of personal information about your admin staff.

The melting snowman from John, wasn’t from John. But we all know someone who is always late, so easy mistake. What’s actually melting down is your company’s internal security, and everyone in the office is now infected with spyware.

The vase for your wife’s birthday never arrives. You try emailing the seller, but the messages just bounces back as unknown. You contact eBay but soon realize that they were not involved in the sale, it was between you and the seller directly, so you have no recourse.

When you clicked the link in the email about the offensive photos on Facebook, you were directed to a page that looked just like Facebook, but wasn’t Facebook. When you logged in, you gave your credentials to thieves, who then diverted you to the actual Facebook and logged you in. It all happened so quickly that you didn’t notice a thing. They now have control of your page and may or may not tip their hand by actually posting offensive photos (or promotional content that appears to be from you, or links that are raising the profile of someone else’s ad campaign; none of which you notice because you don’t alerts of your own posts). What they may do is just spy on you and all of your friends, noting when homes are likely to be unoccupied, private messaging children for nefarious purposes, and all sorts of other info that can be sold and used by evil doers.

That email with the free apps for your iWatch wasn’t from, so you gave your full name and credit card number to an impersonator who just bought themselves a $98.50 Amazon gift card with your money. When you’re statement arrives weeks later, you give it a quick scan and since you did do Christmas shopping on Amazon, it doesn’t catch your attention. If you ever do realize it wasn’t your purchase, the dispute period will be over anyway.

Dang nabbit!! Stay tuned for tips to avoid getting played.