Abbotsford Recreation Centre

“Come join the revolution, be a part of the new Abbotsford Recreational Centre.” This was the motto of the old-time recreation complex here in Abbotsford, BC Canada. The first thing that came into my mind when I saw this sign is, “If they can do it, we can do it too!” In the time I have been living in Abbottsford, BC Canada (and anyone who’s lived here knows that it’s a vibrant community) I have met some great people, both locally and across the globe, and I wanted to share my experiences with one of those people, an eight-year-old girl, who asked me about her town and what she would like to see for her birthday one year…

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“Abbottsford Recreation Centre has a lot of great things to offer its visitors and residents alike. It’s filled with fun activities for all ages: pools, playgrounds, hiking trails, tennis courts, it even has a nice little hockey arena! And don’t forget the indoor playground with their ping pong table and mini basketball court, as well as a pretty bar in the evenings,” she said. Her mother was active in the recreation department of their town and her dad was always coming to town for fishing and riding, so she knew that her “birthday” at Abbottsford was going to be special.

In fact, she ended up getting so much excited that she went home that night with her dad…and by the end of the night, she was begging her mom to make them go outside so that she could have a chance to play fetch with the dog! And the good news is, all of these fun activities are available year-round. So Abbottsford is not just a place for Abbottsford people to play games. It’s also a great place for young and old alike to experience the beauty that surrounds them.


another place to check out is the Abbotsford Centre